Cameo is an ongoing series featuring Canadian jewellery artists. here, they share their latest thoughts and insights, and give us a peek into their practice.
Describe your current work/practice in one sentence.
Through the guise of brass adornment, I examine the feminine body as an object of control – visually exploring the Foucaultian notion of self-control through disciplinary practice and the willing adoption of patriarchal constraints, and how these power dynamics influence body image and self-identity.
What are three things/ideas that inspire you?
The body is my main source of inspiration: literally, metaphorically and thematically. Engaged with theoretical research, I'm currently interested in ideas of Michel Foucault and Susan Bordo… specifically, self-discipline's capacity to create 'docile bodies' or in extreme manifestations, disorders like anorexia. Guided by personal experience, my passion is to create with the intent to generate critical discourse surrounding this subject matter.
What other things do you do besides your jewellery practice?
I spend a lot of time on art-related activities, as lame as it might sound. To me, art is life (and vice-versa). Currently, my energies are focused on connecting art with the broader community, through the curation of and participation in art exhibitions. I also like to garden, adventure outdoors, paint and attempt to play the fiddle.
What is a favourite piece that you've made and why?
My favourite piece I’ve made is 'Enclosure.' Standing alone as an object, I feel it most successfully alludes to the human form, shaping the body into a complex position (the fetal position).
Enclosure (2017)
Departure (2017)
Brass, powder coat
What word pops into your mind when you think of Canadian art jewellery?
What is coming up next for you?
The execution of my curatorial projects, including In Motion, co-curated with Borguesse Mozaffarian, which will be in literal motion, starting at Art Bar + Projects in Halifax, NS on April 13th and then the Halifax Central Library, April 16th. That is followed by participation in the NSCAD Fashion GALA, Fete a la Main and the 2018 SNAG Conference, Makers Across Disciplines, within the multi-exhibition Adorned Space – as a featured jewellery designer and solo exhibitor. And hopefully an artist residency or two, cross your fingers!
Published: 2018/03/15